Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary

The dynamics of statistical parameters

Net space, sq.m.
Exhibitors, the number of companies
Visitors, the number of people
Specialist visitors, the number of people
Only the years when the exhibition was audited (and obtained accurate statistics) are given.

Exhibition Audit Reports

Net indoor exhibition space, rented by national exhibitors, sq.m
Net indoor exhibition space, rented by foreign exhibitors, sq.m
Net outdoor exhibition space, rented by national exhibitors, sq.m
Net outdoor exhibition space, rented by foreign exhibitors, sq.m
Special show space, sq.m
Total net exhibition area, sq.m
Gross total space, sq.m
Number of national exhibitors
Number of foreign exhibitors
Total number of exhibitors
Indirect exhibitors
Number of indirect national exhibitors
Number of indirect foreign exhibitors
Total number of indirect exhibitors
Number of national visits
Number of foreign visitors
Total number of visitors
Number of experts
Number of national visits
Number of international visits
Total number of visits
The list of countries
The number of countries
Parameters Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary - 2011Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary - 2012Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary - 2013Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary - 2014Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary - 2015Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary - 2016Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary - 2017Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary - 2018MVC: Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary - 2019MVC: Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary-2020MVC: Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary 2021MVC Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary 2022MVC Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary 2023
Net indoor exhibition space, rented by national exhibitors, sq.m 3404370944304929623966686999781684859273405327141424
Net indoor exhibition space, rented by foreign exhibitors, sq.m 178820872515244035603244356537903698405010018521002
Net outdoor exhibition space, rented by national exhibitors, sq.m 00000000000606634
Net outdoor exhibition space, rented by foreign exhibitors, sq.m 000000000000102
Special show space, sq.m 0000000000000
Total net exhibition area, sq.m 51925796694573699799991210564116061218313323505441723162
Gross total space, sq.m 10732133901771317713217002450025485231942436624422944286359847
Number of national exhibitors 21722824724226627828728529129616313677
Number of foreign exhibitors 768610394117113120124123132352351
Total number of exhibitors 293314350336383391407409414428198159128
Indirect exhibitors              
Number of indirect national exhibitors 9151319152216222123564448
Number of indirect foreign exhibitors 3715584766200
Total number of indirect exhibitors 12221424203020292729584448
Number of national visits 2840390031763003310337284841498954275888222424591877
Number of foreign visitors 247294132297307557660812883959208196213
Total number of visitors 3087419433083300341042855501580163106847243226552090
Number of experts 2964390032093234320541145391551160586642240826282069
Number of national visits 4222561651244394515245716358637771047825295731002259
Number of international visits 367423213435509683867103811561274277247257
Total number of visits 4589603953374829566152547225741582609099323433472516
The list of countries ShowShowShowShowShowShowShowShowShowShowShowShowShow
The number of countries 232428 2530252725282414910

The Audit of Visitors Purchasing Power Reports

Type of research Visitors Opportunities
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