Wooden house. Woodprocessing.Wood in interior

Exhibition Audit Reports

Parameters Wooden house. Woodprocessing.Wood in interior-2008
Net indoor exhibition space, rented by national exhibitors, sq.m 951
Net indoor exhibition space, rented by foreign exhibitors, sq.m 0
Net outdoor exhibition space, rented by national exhibitors, sq.m 567
Net outdoor exhibition space, rented by foreign exhibitors, sq.m 0
Special show space, sq.m 800
Total net exhibition area, sq.m 2318
Gross total space, sq.m 3721
Number of national exhibitors 119
Number of foreign exhibitors 0
Total number of exhibitors 119
Indirect exhibitors  
Number of indirect national exhibitors 9
Number of indirect foreign exhibitors 0
Total number of indirect exhibitors 9
Number of national visits 15560
Number of foreign visitors 160
Total number of visitors 15720
Number of experts 12420
Number of national visits 18360
Number of international visits 190
Total number of visits 18550
The list of countries Show
The number of countries